Mission, Vision and Goals

Brown grocery bag filled with vegtables, surrounded by the words B'more Fresh


Mission, Vision, and Goals

Vision: Ensure all Baltimore City SNAP participants have the resources and support they need to achieve nutrition security through online purchasing at online approved retail stores. 

USDA Nutrition Security Infographic


  1. Increase online SNAP participation in Baltimore City 
  2. Support and incentivize online purchasing of fruits and vegetables 
  3. Improve food access through the promotion of online grocery store platforms
  4. Improve cohesion and collaboration of City and State online SNAP efforts
  5. Ensure older adults are included in overall online SNAP strategy
  6. Build trust with residents and obtain community feedback on online SNAP efforts in Baltimore City 
  7. Utilize data to advocate and support policies, funding opportunities, and legislation for online SNAP nutrition incentives 


  1. SNAP participants have choice and say over where they obtain groceries online 
  2. SNAP participants have access to nutritious foods such as fruits and vegetables